How To Get Your Phalaenopsis to Bloom in Winter
A blooming Phalaenopsis is a beautiful sight indeed... especially when those first buds appear on your Phalaenopsis in the chill of mid-winter. Of all orchid types, Phalaenopsis is actually one of the easiest orchids to rebloom. There are, however, a number of factors at play when it comes to blooming a Phalaenopsis, or "moth orchid," in winter. Believe it or not, some of these factors are actually within your control. Among these, surprisingly, is the "internal clock" within a Phalaenopsis that lets the orchid know the time has come to prepare to bloom. How exactly can you influence this? Well, read on because if your "Phael" is struggling to rebloom…
Can You Write Your Own Will? Plus, Why You Need A Will Even If You Think You Don’t
A last will and testament may be the least desirable conversation topic, but the fact is that a will determines what happens to all your earthly possessions and even your body upon your death. In recent chats with middle-aged friends, I learned that not one of them has a will-- despite having plenty of assets. As it turns out, their situation is quite common. A recent Gallup poll finds that slightly less than half of U.S. adults, 46%, have a will to express how they want their money and estate to be handled after their death. Whether the potential cost is prohibitive or just sheer procrastination, the fact is that…