Hello, welcome to sundazesaltair.com where you will find all things nature & sea inspired. As the name implies, the idea is to evoke that elusive vacation feeling, also known as the sun-induced daze of contentment that most commonly accompanies the perfect sun-drenched, salty-aired day at the beach.
Now, you might be nowhere near a beach right now. It may even be the dead of winter where you are, yet wherever that is, please allow the outdoor-inspired writing and images featured on sundazesaltair.com to take you on at least a “mental beach vacation” — if only for a moment.
Like many of you out there with a busy life and/or career, it is easy to feel over-worked and anxious. A 24-hour day often isn’t enough to check off the to-do list before starting all over again — “Groundhog Day”-style. Not to mention, long winter days frequently start with a commute in darkness only to end with a trip home in darkness — so much for sunlight or natural Vitamin D for the long winter. This routine may seem all too familiar.
Well, here at Sundazesaltair.com, I hope you feel a carefree vacation feeling with every page you visit. Throughout the site, I chronicle getting “back to our roots,” as I take you along to find inspiration in the natural world all around. I also invite you to explore the entire library of helpful, practical ideas and how-to guides I have created on how to do many things in the most natural and inspiring way possible. Basically, how to “live your best life” in areas including gardening, health and self-improvement to home decor… Even the best ways to save the greatest amount of money on your homeowners insurance — something from which we can all benefit these days.
I hope the ideas and imagery featured throughout offer plenty of inspiration for “living your best life” no matter where you are. And, especially, that they inspire you to slow down and explore the magic and beauty of the natural world present all around– if you just pause to look…