How To Fix A Clock For Under $15 – Easy DIY Hack To Fix A Clock By Replacing Its Mechanism
Don’t Toss That Clock! Repair A Broken Clock In A Few Easy Steps
Do you have a clock you love that has just stopped working? And the usual solutions like changing the battery no longer seem to get any tick or tock..? It’s both frustrating and disappointing, to say the least, especially when the clock happens to be an expensive one or a clock with sentimental value. Well, don’t throw your clock out and buy a new one just yet. Believe it or not, you can fix a clock for under $15 in just a few easy steps. If your clock is a quartz clock that runs on a mechanism, it may very well be that this mechanism has simply stopped working, as is often the case. OK, but what is a mechanism you ask?
The mechanism is, very simply, the black box that contains all the clock’s working parts and inserts into the back of the clock.
If this is the problem, you can simply replace the old mechanism with a brand new one, and get your clock working again… all for under fifteen dollars! Plus, the steps are so easy, the hardest part is probably just ordering your new mechanism. And that’s pretty easy especially since I cover everything down below.
**Note: This post contains affiliate links for which a small commission may be earned if you decide to make a purchase through a link.
The Secret To Fixing A Quartz Clock Mechanism
That’s right, fixing a “broken” quartz clock may be as easy as buying an inexpensive replacement mechanism and simply following the simple steps below. The one trick that makes this possible, however, is that you must buy a replacement mechanism with the same exact size shaft as your original clock.
Read on for a simplified, step-by-step tutorial that tells you everything you need to know about finding a replacement mechanism with the correct size shaft; removing the old malfunctioning mechanism; and replacing it with a new one. Now, let’s get started bringing your clock back to life…
**TIP! A large, attention-grabbing clock like the one featured in this article can help a room with high ceilings feel cozier & less intimidating. Find more decorating tips & tricks to make a room with high ceilings feel more intimate & cozy here…
What Is A Clock Shaft & Why Does It Matter?
All quartz crystal clocks have a center hand “shaft” which is responsible for driving the clock hands movement for proper timekeeping. This “shaft” consists of the various different hands on the face of your clock and the piece that connects them all to the black mechanism box — a metal piece known as a “threaded bushing.” This bushing has a textured metal appearance which looks like it is threaded, hence the name. As stated above, this bushing protrudes from the black mechanism box and connects the mechanism to the shaft with the clock hands.
Fix A Clock For Under $15: Determine The Length Of Your Clock Shaft
The length of this shaft actually varies from clock to clock. So, while mechanisms may all have a similar black, boxy look, it is the length of their shaft that distinguishes them. While there is no standard, one-size-fits-all when it comes to clock mechanism shafts, measuring the shaft length with a ruler is easy to do and important. Why is it so important? Because the length of the shaft is the measurement you will use to order your new replacement mechanism.
Now that you are aware of this important piece of information, you can simply remove the old mechanism from your clock (following steps 1 through 4 below) and measure the length of its shaft. Then use this measurement to find and order a replacement one online using the links I have provided down below.
Fix A Clock For Under $15: Purchase The Correct Size Replacement Mechanism & Get Free Hands
Thankfully, there are a few places online where you can easily find and purchase the correct size clock mechanism and shaft to fit your clock. Here is an online dealer of quartz movement mechanisms so you can easily find and purchase your correct size mechanism to fit your clock.
Use a ruler and the handy image guide to choose the shaft length that matches yours.
By the way, when you purchase your new mechanism, you will find that it also gives you the option to choose a set of free clock hands to match your mechanism. Even though your old hands may fit, don’t forget to take advantage of this free extra set of hands because many times you will need them.
TIP! If you have an old clock that you no longer use but which still has a working mechanism, consider removing its mechanism to use as a replacement before you discard the old clock. That way you will have a spare mechanism in case a clock you love ever stops working in the future.
Fix A Clock For Under $15: Step-By-Step Instructions (With Pictures)
Step 1: Turn your clock over and detach the clock from its frame by removing the retaining clips or screws that hold the clock to its frame.

Step 2: Once the clock is detached from its frame and glass, as in the photo below, you will want to remove the hands carefully from the face of the clock by gently pulling each hand straight up. Before you can do this though, notice that some clocks have a retaining nut holding the hands in place. If this is the case, follow Step 3 below to loosen it…

Step 3: Some clocks have a retaining nut holding the hands to the mechanism. In this case, when you gently pull to loosen the nut, the mechanism will simply dislodge from the back of the clock. Other clocks will have plastic clips holding the sides of the mechanism in place in which case you may have to carefully dislodge the mechanism from the plastic by using a screw driver, scissors, or knife.

Step 4: Before you can replace the old mechanism, you must make sure you have a new mechanism with a shaft that is the exact same length as the original you are removing. Simply take a ruler and measure the protruding shaft of the mechanism you removed. As stated above, the best way to find a replacement is to go online. There you can purchase a mechanism with a shaft length that is the same as the original from an online dealer. This website has illustrations to help you match your shaft length.
Your purchase should also give you the option to select matching hands in a style of your choice. You may be able to make your original hands fit, but this is not always the case. So, be sure to select the free hands that are included with your mechanism.

Installation Of New Mechanism: To Install The New Mechanism, Simply Reverse The Steps
Step 5: Once you have obtained your new mechanism with the correct size shaft to match the original, simply take the new mechanism and insert it into the back of the clock where you removed the original. Remember, some mechanisms have a retaining nut holding it on while others snap in.
Step 6: Turn clock over so it faces up and now re-install the hands onto the shaft: first the hour hand, then the minute hand next, and the “sweeping seconds” hand goes on last. Gently push each onto the shaft. Make sure your battery is inserted and check it for operation before re-inserting it back into the glass and frame assembly.
Conclusion: Fix A Clock For Under $15 With This Easy DIY Hack
That’s it! You did it! You now have your clock back. Thanks to a little DIY resourcefulness, a few simple steps and an inexpensive replacement part, you were able to save your clock from being binned in the trash. You also saved yourself some money by not having to buy a whole new clock.
Now, pat yourself on the back for a job well done and bookmark this page for future reference next time you have a clock you need to rescue with a little DIY repair.
Now, once you’ve hung your clock, find other ways to enhance your decor with these DIY decorating tips & tricks to make a room with high ceilings feel more intimate & cozy…

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